
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Flickers of Knowing

As the candle shines perfectly upon the face of beauty leaning over me

I take my hand to air as if to caress the majestic sight

Not getting farther than an elbow away from my body

I soon forget its even there

♥She takes a feather from her wing and places it in my hair,
oh so delicately brushing my face

My hair shines like a newborn lake,
dead silent after rain

My face, shimmers where she left her trace,
making it seem as though it would light these woods completely

From her gown of beauty,
And dream, she pulls a single bead

Hands it to me with a whisper

"You shall come always, in my percents or not, your pure soul has made an imprint on those who care enough to notice and those who didn't are those of which need you not"

With this, a brush of her hand and mine she drifts to a greater valley,
Filled with larger thoughts, and deeper emotions...

MY heaven

Good bye my sweet angle.

For this visit is my que to say goodbye and embrace those who have been here and thank those who weren't

This sign told my correct, soon, i forgot myself, and even sooner, i forgot who was good and who was evil

time for my final visit. My angle shall return, and i lay here to wait for her.
The only thing worth waiting for...

Goodbye my sweet Guardian, the one who cared, the one who stayed, the one that accepted change..
The only one.

Who are you?

You Don't exist.


Angle of Death.

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